Liquidation (miniseries)

Liquidation 2007 Russian , Likvidatsiya is a highly popular Russian television series, which parallels the famous The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed with notable ethical shift. In the Meeting Place, chief of criminal investigations Gleb Zheglov played by Vladimir Vysotskiy had a modus operandi Thief must go to prison, no matter how I put him there and uses planted evidence to do so.

The year is 1946. World War II is over, but it doesnt mean that there is no one to fight with. The postwar city of Odessa is ruled by serial killer prisonescapees and former Nazi collaborators. Fallen into disfavor, Marshal Zhoukov is sent to Odessa by Joseph Stalin to handle the situation. Together with the head of the local criminal investigation unit, David Gottsman, Zhoukov begins a special operation cleanup postwar Odessa from crime.Marshal Zhukov, the newly appointed head of the Odessa Military District, arrives in the city, and Odessas leaders immediately begin to feel the iron grip of the Marshal of Victory. During the night before his arrival, the Criminal Investigation Unit manages to arrest members of Sam Gooseys gang. Running the operation was Lt. Colonel David Gottsman, the head of the Criminal Investigation Unit for the battle against banditry. All of Gottsmans family and close friends perished during the war. Only his two childhood friends remain shellshocked pilot Mark, and Yefim Petrov, expickpocket who became Gottsmans willing assistant. It was Yefim who talked Goosey into showing the place where his gang hid their stolen goods. Near this place, in the ruins, Yefim, with the help of homeless boy Mishka Karas, finds a deposit of thousand sets of military uniform. Gottsman gives the news to the Military Command, but Prosecutor Naimov declines to investigate, stating that he is busy. And at night, the now guarded deposit sees the arrival of an unknown truck ........

Source: Wikipedia